
Additional named entities for HTML

W3C Working Draft 25-Nov-96

This version:
Latest version:
Chris Lilley chris@w3.org
Bob Stayton

Status of This Document

This draft is work under review by the W3C HTML Working Group, for potential incorporation in an upcoming version of the HTML specification, code named Cougar. Please remember this is subject to change at any time, and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress".

A list of current W3C Working Drafts can be found at http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/TR. This is work in progress and does not imply endorsement by, or the consensus of, either W3C or members of the HTML working group. Further information about Cougar is available at http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/MarkUp/Cougar/.

Please send detailed comments to www-html-editor@w3.org. We cannot garantee a personal response, but summaries will be maintained off the Cougar page. Public discussion on HTML features takes place on www-html@w3.org. To subscribe send a message to www-html-request@w3.org with subscribe in the subject.


This specification extends HTML to support additional named entities for all characters in ISO 8859-1, all characters representable by glyphs in the Adobe Symbol font, entities required for Internationalisation - in particular for bidirectional text - and characters from that portion of CP-1250 which lie outside the character repertoire of ISO 8859-1.

Additional named entities for ISO 8859-1

All new entities in this section produce characters which can already be represented by all conforming HTML 2.0 User Agents (UAs), but currently in a less convenient form. For example they allow typing ÷ instead of ÷ to obtain a division sign (÷). The new named entities conform to the Proposed Entities section of the HTML 2.0 specification.

Adding support for these entities to a UA merely entails recognising the entity names and converting them to characters which are within the repertoire of ISO-8859-1.

Support for these entities may be checked with a test file, entitytest-8859.html

These characters can
already be displayed, but not as conveniently if they do not happen to
be available on your keyboard

The list of entities is given in Appendix @@ or as a text file, HTMLlat1 for use in SGML systems.

Additional named entities for mathematics

This section adds new named entities for all characters representable by glyphs in the widely available Adobe Symbol font as described in table E.11 of [Adobe90].

Some glyphs in that font are not represented here, because they do not correspond to characters. For example, the 'top portion of a large integral sign' is one third of a composite glyph which is used to represent an integral sign; there is however an entity to represent a complete integral sign. Some glyphs are not represented here because, although they do correspond to characters, those characters are already represented within the repertoire of ISO 8859-1. For example (!, #, ©).

The characters
representable by Symbol font include Greek characters, various
bracketing symbols, and a selection of mathematical operators such as
gradient, product, and summation symbols

Entities in this section refers to characters which are outside the repertoire of ISO 8859-1 but within the repertoire of ISO-10646. These characters may be ustd in an HTML document in one of three ways:

Adding support for these entities to a UA may be achieved by supporting full ISO-10646 or by other means. Display of glyphs for these characters may be obtained by being able to display the relevant ISO-10646 characters or by other means, such as internally mapping the listed entities, NCRs and characters to the appropriate position in some font which contains the requisite glyphs.

Note: This entity set contains all the letters used in modern Greek. However, it does not include Greek punctuation, precomposed accented characters nor the non-spacing accents (tonos, dialytika) required to compose them. There are no archaic letters, Coptic-unique letters, or precomposed letters for Polytonic Greek.

The entities defined here are not intended for the representation of modern Greek text and would not be an efficient representation; rather, they are intended for occasional Greek letters used in technical and mathermatical works.

The list of entities is given in Appendix @@+1 or as a text file, HTMLsymbol for use in SGML systems.

Special named entities

This section adds named entities for escaping markup-significant characters (these are the same as those in HTML 2.0 and 3.2), for denoting spaces and dashes, and for disambiguating bidirectional text (these are the same as those in RFC 2070).

Entities are also added forthe remaining characters occuring in CP-1252 which do not occur in the HTMLlat1 or HTMLsymbol entity sets. These all occur in the 128 to 159 range within the cp-1252 charset. These entities permit the characters to be denoted in a platform-independent manner.

Note: some authoring tools on the MS Windows platform incorrectly generate numeric character references (NCRs) in the range € to Ÿ which are illegal Unicode characters. NCRs always refer to the 'Document Character Set' which, for HTML, is always ISO-10646 (which has the same characters as Unicode). NCRs do not refer to code positions in the charset used to transmit the document. Using the entity names defined here avoids such errors by refering the characters to their Unicode values.

The list of entities is given in Appendix @@+2 or as a text file, HTMLspecial for use in SGML systems.

Adding support for these entities to a UA may be achieved by supporting full ISO-10646 or by other means. Display of glyphs for these characters may be obtained by being able to display the relevant ISO-10646 characters or by other means, such as internally mapping the listed entities, NCRs and characters to the appropriate position in some font which contains the requisite glyphs.


PostScript Language Reference manual, 2nd edition, 1990 Appendix E: Standard Character Sets and Encoding Vectors
Internationalisation of the Hypertext Markup Language, RFC 2070
ISO 8879 entities
The entities defined in ISO 8879 are listed at ftp://ftp.ifi.uio.no/pub/SGML/ENTITIES/
Unicode 2.0
The Unicode Standard, Version 2.0. The Unicode Consortium, Addison-Wesley Developers Press, 1996.ISBN 0-201-48345-9
A list of Unicode character names is available.

Appendix A: Full Latin-1 entity set for HTML

This entity set is identical to that in the Proposed Entities section of the HTML 2.0 specification

<!-- Portions © International Organization for Standardization 1986
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
       "-//W3C//ENTITIES Full Latin 1//EN//HTML">

<!ENTITY nbsp   CDATA "&#160;" -- no-break space -->
<!ENTITY iexcl  CDATA "&#161;" -- inverted exclamation mark -->
<!ENTITY cent   CDATA "&#162;" -- cent sign -->
<!ENTITY pound  CDATA "&#163;" -- pound sterling sign -->
<!ENTITY curren CDATA "&#164;" -- general currency sign -->
<!ENTITY yen    CDATA "&#165;" -- yen sign -->
<!ENTITY brvbar CDATA "&#166;" -- broken (vertical) bar -->
<!ENTITY sect   CDATA "&#167;" -- section sign -->
<!ENTITY uml    CDATA "&#168;" -- umlaut (dieresis) -->
<!ENTITY copy   CDATA "&#169;" -- copyright sign -->
<!ENTITY ordf   CDATA "&#170;" -- ordinal indicator, feminine -->
<!ENTITY laquo  CDATA "&#171;" -- angle quotation mark, left -->
<!ENTITY not    CDATA "&#172;" -- not sign -->
<!ENTITY shy    CDATA "&#173;" -- soft hyphen -->
<!ENTITY reg    CDATA "&#174;" -- registered sign -->
<!ENTITY macr   CDATA "&#175;" -- macron -->
<!ENTITY deg    CDATA "&#176;" -- degree sign -->
<!ENTITY plusmn CDATA "&#177;" -- plus-or-minus sign -->
<!ENTITY sup2   CDATA "&#178;" -- superscript two -->
<!ENTITY sup3   CDATA "&#179;" -- superscript three -->
<!ENTITY acute  CDATA "&#180;" -- acute accent -->
<!ENTITY micro  CDATA "&#181;" -- micro sign -->
<!ENTITY para   CDATA "&#182;" -- pilcrow (paragraph sign) -->
<!ENTITY middot CDATA "&#183;" -- middle dot -->
<!ENTITY cedil  CDATA "&#184;" -- cedilla -->
<!ENTITY sup1   CDATA "&#185;" -- superscript one -->
<!ENTITY ordm   CDATA "&#186;" -- ordinal indicator, masculine -->
<!ENTITY raquo  CDATA "&#187;" -- angle quotation mark, right -->
<!ENTITY frac14 CDATA "&#188;" -- fraction one-quarter -->
<!ENTITY frac12 CDATA "&#189;" -- fraction one-half -->
<!ENTITY frac34 CDATA "&#190;" -- fraction three-quarters -->
<!ENTITY iquest CDATA "&#191;" -- inverted question mark -->
<!ENTITY Agrave CDATA "&#192;" -- capital A, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Aacute CDATA "&#193;" -- capital A, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY Acirc  CDATA "&#194;" -- capital A, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY Atilde CDATA "&#195;" -- capital A, tilde -->
<!ENTITY Auml   CDATA "&#196;" -- capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY Aring  CDATA "&#197;" -- capital A, ring -->
<!ENTITY AElig  CDATA "&#198;" -- capital AE diphthong (ligature) -->
<!ENTITY Ccedil CDATA "&#199;" -- capital C, cedilla -->
<!ENTITY Egrave CDATA "&#200;" -- capital E, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Eacute CDATA "&#201;" -- capital E, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY Ecirc  CDATA "&#202;" -- capital E, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY Euml   CDATA "&#203;" -- capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY Igrave CDATA "&#204;" -- capital I, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Iacute CDATA "&4amp;#205;" -- capital I, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY Icirc  CDATA "&#206;" -- capital I, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY Iuml   CDATA "&#207;" -- capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY ETH    CDATA "&#208;" -- capital Eth, Icelandic -->
<!ENTITY Ntilde CDATA "&#209;" -- capital N, tilde -->
<!ENTITY Ograve CDATA "&#210;" -- capital O, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Oacute CDATA "&#211;" -- capital O, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY Ocirc  CDATA "&#212;" -- capital O, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY Otilde CDATA "&#213;" -- capital O, tilde -->
<!ENTITY Ouml   CDATA "&#214;" -- capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY times  CDATA "&#215;" -- multiply sign -->
<!ENTITY Oslash CDATA "&#216;" -- capital O, slash -->
<!ENTITY Ugrave CDATA "&#217;" -- capital U, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Uacute CDATA "&#218;" -- capital U, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY Ucirc  CDATA "&#219;" -- capital U, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY Uuml   CDATA "&#220;" -- capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY Yacute CDATA "&#221;" -- capital Y, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY THORN  CDATA "&#222;" -- capital THORN, Icelandic -->
<!ENTITY szlig  CDATA "&#223;" -- small sharp s, German (sz ligature) -->
<!ENTITY agrave CDATA "&#224;" -- small a, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY aacute CDATA "&#225;" -- small a, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY acirc  CDATA "&#226;" -- small a, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY atilde CDATA "&#227;" -- small a, tilde -->
<!ENTITY auml   CDATA "&#228;" -- small a, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY aring  CDATA "&#229;" -- small a, ring -->
<!ENTITY aelig  CDATA "&#230;" -- small ae diphthong (ligature) -->
<!ENTITY ccedil CDATA "&#231;" -- small c, cedilla -->
<!ENTITY egrave CDATA "&#232;" -- small e, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY eacute CDATA "&#233;" -- small e, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY ecirc  CDATA "&#234;" -- small e, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY euml   CDATA "&#235;" -- small e, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY igrave CDATA "&#236;" -- small i, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY iacute CDATA "&#237;" -- small i, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY icirc  CDATA "&#238;" -- small i, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY iuml   CDATA "&#239;" -- small i, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY eth    CDATA "&#240;" -- small eth, Icelandic -->
<!ENTITY ntilde CDATA "&#241;" -- small n, tilde -->
<!ENTITY ograve CDATA "&#242;" -- small o, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY oacute CDATA "&#243;" -- small o, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY ocirc  CDATA "&#244;" -- small o, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY otilde CDATA "&#245;" -- small o, tilde -->
<!ENTITY ouml   CDATA "&#246;" -- small o, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY divide CDATA "&#247;" -- divide sign -->
<!ENTITY oslash CDATA "&#248;" -- small o, slash -->
<!ENTITY ugrave CDATA "&#249;" -- small u, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY uacute CDATA "&#250;" -- small u, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY ucirc  CDATA "&#251;" -- small u, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY uuml   CDATA "&#252;" -- small u, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY yacute CDATA "&#253;" -- small y, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY thorn  CDATA "&#254;" -- small thorn, Icelandic -->
<!ENTITY yuml   CDATA "&#255;" -- small y, dieresis or umlaut mark -->

Appendix B: Symbol entity set for HTML

<!-- Mathematical, Greek and Symbolic characters for HTML -->

<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
     <!ENTITY % HTMLsymbol PUBLIC
       "-//W3C//ENTITIES Symbolic//EN//HTML">
     %HTMLsymbol; -->

<!-- Portions  International Organization for Standardization 1986:
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.

<!-- Relevant ISO entity set is given unless names are newly introduced.
     New names (ie, not in ISO 8879 list) do not clash with any
     existing ISO 8879 entity names. Unicode character numbers
     are given for each character, in hex, and are identical for
     Unicode 1.1 and Unicode 2.0. CDATA values are decimal conversions 
     of the Unicode values. Names are Unicode 2.0 names.

<!-- Latin Extended-B -->
<!ENTITY fnof     CDATA "&#192;"  -- latin small f with hook, =function, =florin, U0192 ISOtech -->

<!-- Greek -->
<!ENTITY Alpha    CDATA "&#913;" -- greek capital letter alpha,  U0391 -->
<!ENTITY Beta     CDATA "&#914;" -- greek capital letter beta,  U0392 -->
<!ENTITY Gamma    CDATA "&#915;" -- greek capital letter gamma,  U0393 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY Delta    CDATA "&#916;" -- greek capital letter delta,  U0394 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY Epsilon  CDATA "&#917;" -- greek capital letter epsilon,  U0395 -->
<!ENTITY Zeta     CDATA "&#918;" -- greek capital letter zeta,  U0396 -->
<!ENTITY Eta      CDATA "&#919;" -- greek capital letter eta,  U0397 -->
<!ENTITY Theta    CDATA "&#920;" -- greek capital letter theta,  U0398 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY Iota     CDATA "&#921;" -- greek capital letter iota,  U0399 -->
<!ENTITY Kappa    CDATA "&#922;" -- greek capital letter kappa,  U039A -->
<!ENTITY Lambda   CDATA "&#923;" -- greek capital letter lambda,  U039B ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY Mu       CDATA "&#924;" -- greek capital letter mu,  U039C -->
<!ENTITY Nu       CDATA "&#925;" -- greek capital letter nu,  U039D -->
<!ENTITY Xi       CDATA "&#926;" -- greek capital letter xi,  U039E ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY Omicron  CDATA "&#927;" -- greek capital letter omicron,  U039F -->
<!ENTITY Pi       CDATA "&#928;" -- greek capital letter pi,  U03A0 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY Rho      CDATA "&#929;" -- greek capital letter rho,  U03A1 -->
<!-- (there is no Sigmaf, and no U03A2 character either) -->
<!ENTITY Sigma    CDATA "&#931;" -- greek capital letter sigma,  U03A3 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY Tau      CDATA "&#932;" -- greek capital letter tau,  U03A4 -->
<!ENTITY Upsi     CDATA "&#933;" -- greek capital letter upsilon,  U03A5 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY Phi      CDATA "&#934;" -- greek capital letter phi,  U03A6 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY Chi      CDATA "&#935;" -- greek capital letter chi,  U03A7 -->
<!ENTITY Psi      CDATA "&#936;" -- greek capital letter psi,  U03A8 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY Omega    CDATA "&#937;" -- greek capital letter omega,  U03A9 ISOgrk3 -->

<!ENTITY alpha    CDATA "&#945;" -- greek small letter alpha, U03B1 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY beta     CDATA "&#946;" -- greek small letter beta,  U03B2 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY gamma    CDATA "&#947;" -- greek small letter gamma,  U03B3 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY delta    CDATA "&#948;" -- greek small letter delta,  U03B4 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY epsi     CDATA "&#949;" -- greek small letter epsilon,  U03B5 ISOgrk3 -->
<!-- why not 'epsilon' ?? how to remember which three are truncated?? -->
<!ENTITY zeta     CDATA "&#950;" -- greek small letter zeta,  U03B6 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY eta      CDATA "&#951;" -- greek small letter eta,  U03B7 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY theta    CDATA "&#952;" -- greek small letter theta,  U03B8 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY iota     CDATA "&#953;" -- greek small letter iota,  U03B9 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY kappa    CDATA "&#954;" -- greek small letter kappa,  U03BA ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY lambda   CDATA "&#955;" -- greek small letter lambda,  U03BB ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY mu       CDATA "&#956;" -- greek small letter mu,  U03BC ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY nu       CDATA "&#957;" -- greek small letter nu,  U03BD ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY xi       CDATA "&#958;" -- greek small letter xi,  U03BE ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY omicron  CDATA "&#959;" -- greek small letter omicron,  U03BF NEW -->
<!ENTITY pi       CDATA "&#960;" -- greek small letter pi,  U03C0 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY rho      CDATA "&#961;" -- greek small letter rho,  U03C1 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY sigmaf   CDATA "&#962;" -- greek small letter final sigma,  U03C2 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY sigma    CDATA "&#963;" -- greek small letter sigma,  U03C3 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY tau      CDATA "&#964;" -- greek small letter tau,  U03C4 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY upsi     CDATA "&#965;" -- greek small letter upsilon,  U03C5 ISOgrk3 -->
<!-- why not 'upsilon' -->
<!ENTITY phi      CDATA "&#966;" -- greek small letter phi,  U03C6 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY chi      CDATA "&#967;" -- greek small letter chi,  U03C7 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY psi      CDATA "&#968;" -- greek small letter psi,  U03C8 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY omega    CDATA "&#969;" -- greek small letter omega,  U03C9 ISOgrk3 -->
<!ENTITY theta    CDATA "&#977;" -- greek small letter theta symbol,  U03D1 NEW -->
<!ENTITY upsih    CDATA "&#978;" -- greek upsilon with hook symbol,  U03D2 NEW -->
<!ENTITY piv      CDATA "&#982;" -- greek pi symbol,  U03D6 ISOgrk3 -->

<!-- General Punctuation -->
<!ENTITY bull     CDATA "&#8226;" -- bullet, =black small circle, U2022 ISOpub  -->
<!-- bullet is NOT the same as bullet operator, U2219 -->
<!ENTITY hellip   CDATA "&#8230;" -- horizontal ellipsis, =three dot leader, U2026 ISOpub  -->
<!ENTITY prime    CDATA "&#8242;" -- prime, =minutes, =feet, U2032 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY Prime    CDATA "&#8243;" -- double prime, =seconds, =inches, U2033 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY oline    CDATA "&#8254;" -- overline, =spacing overscore, U203E NEW -->
<!ENTITY frasl    CDATA "&#8260;" -- fraction slash, U2044 NEW -->

<!-- Letterlike Symbols -->
<!ENTITY weierp   CDATA "&#8472;" -- script capital P, =power set, =Weierstrass p, U2118 ISOamso -->
<!ENTITY image    CDATA "&#8465;" -- blackletter capital I, =imaginary part, U2111 ISOamso -->
<!ENTITY real     CDATA "&#8476;" -- blackletter capital R, =real part symbol, U211C ISOamso -->
<!ENTITY trade    CDATA "&#8482;" -- trade mark sign, U2122 ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY alefsym  CDATA "&#8501;" -- alef symbol, =first transfinite cardinal, U2135 NEW -->
<!-- alef symbol is NOT the same as hebrew letter alef, U05D0 although the same glyph
     could be used to depict both characters -->

<!-- Arrows -->
<!ENTITY larr     CDATA "&#8592;" -- leftwards arrow, U2190 ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY uarr     CDATA "&#8593;" -- upwards arrow, U2191 ISOnum-->
<!ENTITY rarr     CDATA "&#8594;" -- rightwards arrow, U2192 ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY darr     CDATA "&#8595;" -- downwards arrow, U2193 ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY harr     CDATA "&#8596;" -- left right arrow, U2194 ISOamsa -->
<!ENTITY crarr    CDATA "&#8629;" -- downwards arrow with corner leftwards, =carriage return, U21B5 NEW -->
<!ENTITY lArr     CDATA "&#8656;" -- leftwards double arrow, U21D0 ISOtech -->
<!-- Unicode does not say that lArr is the same as the 'is implied by' arrow but also 
     does not have any other character for that function. So ? lArr can be used for 
     'is implied by' as ISOtech suggests -->
<!ENTITY uArr     CDATA "&#8657;" -- upwards double arrow, U21D1 ISOamsa -->
<!ENTITY rArr     CDATA "&#8658;" -- rightwards double arrow, U21D2 ISOtech -->
<!-- Unicode does not say this is the 'implies' character but does not have another 
     character with this function so ? rArr can be used for 'implies' as ISOtech suggests -->
<!ENTITY dArr     CDATA "&#8659;" -- downwards double arrow, U21D3 ISOamsa -->
<!ENTITY hArr     CDATA "&#8660;" -- left right double arrow, U21D4 ISOamsa -->

<!-- Mathematical Operators -->
<!ENTITY forall   CDATA "&#8704;" -- for all, U2200 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY part     CDATA "&#8706;" -- partial differential, U2202 ISOtech  -->
<!ENTITY exist    CDATA "&#8707;" -- there exists, U2203 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY empty    CDATA "&#8709;" -- empty set, =null set, =diameter, U2205 ISOamso -->
<!ENTITY nabla    CDATA "&#8711;" -- nabla, =backward difference, U2207 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY isin     CDATA "&#8712;" -- element of, U2208 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY notin    CDATA "&#8713;" -- not an element of, U2209 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY ni       CDATA "&#8715;" -- contains as member, U220B ISOtech -->
<!-- should there be a more memorable name than 'ni'? -->
<!ENTITY prod     CDATA "&#8719;" -- n-ary product, =product sign, U220F ISOamsb -->
<!-- prod is NOT the same character as U03A0 'greek capital letter pi' though the same 
     glyph might be used for both -->
<!ENTITY sum      CDATA "&#8722;" -- n-ary sumation, U2211 ISOamsb -->
<!-- sum is NOT the same character as U03A3 'greek capital letter sigma' though the same 
     glyph might be used for both -->
<!ENTITY minus    CDATA "&#8722;" -- minus sign, U2212 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY lowast   CDATA "&#8727;" -- asterisk operator, U2217 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY radic    CDATA "&#8730;" -- square root, =radical sign, U221A ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY prop     CDATA "&#8733;" -- proportional to, U221D ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY infin    CDATA "&#8734;" -- infinity, U221E ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY ang      CDATA "&#8736;" -- angle, U2220 ISOamso -->
<!ENTITY and      CDATA "&#8869;" -- logical and, =wedge, U2227 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY or       CDATA "&#8870;" -- logical or, =vee, U2228 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY cap      CDATA "&#8745;" -- intersection, =cap, U2229 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY cup      CDATA "&#8746;" -- union, =cup, U222A ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY int      CDATA "&#8747;" -- integral, U222B ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY there4   CDATA "&#8756;" -- therefore, U2234 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY sim      CDATA "&#8764;" -- tilde operator, =varies with, =similar to, U223C ISOtech -->
<!-- tilde operator is NOT the same character as the tilde, U007E, although the same 
     glyph might be used to represent both  -->
<!ENTITY cong     CDATA "&#8773;" -- approximately equal to, U2245 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY asymp    CDATA "&#8773;" -- almost equal to, =asymptotic to, U2248 ISOamsr -->
<!ENTITY ne       CDATA "&#8800;" -- not equal to, U2260 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY equiv    CDATA "&#8801;" -- identical to, U2261 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY le       CDATA "&#8804;" -- less-than or equal to, U2264 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY ge       CDATA "&#8805;" -- greater-than or equal to, U2265 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY sub      CDATA "&#8834;" -- subset of, U2282 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY sup      CDATA "&#8835;" -- superset of, U2283 ISOtech -->
<!-- note that nsup, 'not a superset of, U2283' is not covered by the Symbol font 
     encoding and is not included. Should it be, for symmetry? It is in ISOamsn  --> 
<!ENTITY nsub     CDATA "&#8836;" -- not a subset of, U2284 ISOamsn -->
<!ENTITY sube     CDATA "&#8838;" -- subset of or equal to, U2286 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY supe     CDATA "&#8839;" -- superset of or equal to, U2287 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY oplus    CDATA "&#8853;" -- circled plus, =direct sum, U2295 ISOamsb -->
<!ENTITY otimes   CDATA "&#8855;" -- circled times, =vector product, U2297 ISOamsb -->
<!ENTITY perp     CDATA "&#8869;" -- up tack, =orthogonal to, =perpendicular, U22A5 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY sdot     CDATA "&#8901;" -- dot operator, U22C5 ISOamsb -->
<!-- dot operator is NOT the same character as U00B7 middle dot -->

<!-- Miscellaneous Technical -->
<!ENTITY lceil    CDATA "&#8968;" -- left ceiling, =apl upstile, U2308, ISOamsc  -->
<!ENTITY rceil    CDATA "&#8969;" -- right ceiling, U2309, ISOamsc  -->
<!ENTITY lfloor   CDATA "&#8970;" -- left floor, =apl downstile, U230A, ISOamsc  -->
<!ENTITY rfloor   CDATA "&#8971;" -- right floor, U230B, ISOamsc  -->
<!ENTITY lang     CDATA "&#9001;" -- left-pointing angle bracket, =bra, U2329 ISOtech -->
<!-- lang is NOT the same character as U003C 'less than' 
     or U2039 'single left-pointing angle quotation mark' -->
<!ENTITY rang     CDATA "&#9002;" -- right-pointing angle bracket, =ket, U232A ISOtech -->
<!-- rang is NOT the same character as U003E 'greater than' 
     or U203A 'single right-pointing angle quotation mark' -->

<!-- Geometric Shapes -->
<!ENTITY loz      CDATA "&#9674;" -- lozenge, U25CA ISOpub -->

<!-- Miscellaneous Symbols -->
<!ENTITY spades   CDATA "&#9824;" -- black spade suit, U2660 ISOpub -->
<!-- black here seems to mean filled as opposed to hollow -->
<!ENTITY clubs    CDATA "&#9827;" -- black club suit, =shamrock, U2663 ISOpub -->
<!ENTITY hearts   CDATA "&#9829;" -- black heart suit, =valentine, U2665 ISOpub -->
<!ENTITY diams    CDATA "&#9830;" -- black diamond suit, U2666 ISOpub -->

Appendix C: Character Entities for special symbols and BIDI text

<!-- Special characters for HTML -->

<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
     <!ENTITY % HTMLspecial PUBLIC
       "-//W3C//ENTITIES Special//EN//HTML">
     %HTMLspecial; -->

<!-- Portions  International Organization for Standardization 1986:
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.

<!-- Relevant ISO entity set is given unless names are newly introduced.
     New names (ie, not in ISO 8879 list) do not clash with any
     existing ISO 8879 entity names. Unicode character numbers
     are given for each character, in hex, and are identical for
     Unicode 1.1 and Unicode 2.0. CDATA values are decimal conversions 
     of the Unicode values. Names are Unicode 2.0 names.

<!-- C0 Controls and Basic Latin -->
<!ENTITY quot    CDATA "&#34;"    -- quotation mark, =apl quote, U0022 ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY amp     CDATA "&#38;"    -- ampersand, U0026 ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY lt      CDATA "&#60;"    -- less-than sign, U003C ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY gt      CDATA "&#62;"    -- greater-than sign, U003E ISOnum -->

<!-- Latin Extended-A -->
<!ENTITY OElig   CDATA "&#338;"  -- latin capital ligature oe, U0152 ISOlat2 -->
<!ENTITY oelig   CDATA "&#339;"  -- latin small ligature oe, U0153 ISOlat2 -->
<!-- ligature is a misnomer, this is a separate character in some languages -->
<!ENTITY Scaron  CDATA "&#352;"  -- latin capital letter s with caron, U0160 ISOlat2 -->
<!ENTITY scaron  CDATA "&#353;"  -- latin small letter s with caron, U0161 ISOlat2 -->
<!ENTITY Yuml    CDATA "&#376;"  -- latin capital letter y with diaeresis, U0178 ISOlat2 -->

<!-- Spacing Modifier Letters -->
<!ENTITY circ    CDATA "&#710;"   -- modifier letter circumflex accent, U02C6 ISOpub -->
<!ENTITY tilde   CDATA "&#732;"   -- small tilde, U02DC ISOdia -->

<!-- General Punctuation -->
<!ENTITY ensp    CDATA "&#8194;"  -- en space, U2002 ISOpub -->
<!ENTITY emsp    CDATA "&#8195;"  -- em space, U2003 ISOpub -->
<!ENTITY thinsp  CDATA "&#8201;"  -- thin space, U2009 ISOpub -->
<!ENTITY zwnj    CDATA "&#8204;"  -- zero width non-joiner, U200C NEW RFC 2070 -->
<!ENTITY zwj     CDATA "&#8205;"  -- zero width joiner, U200D NEW RFC 2070 -->
<!ENTITY lrm     CDATA "&#8206;"  -- left-to-right mark, U200E NEW RFC 2070 -->
<!ENTITY rlm     CDATA "&#8207;"  -- right-to-left mark, U200F NEW RFC 2070 -->
<!ENTITY ndash   CDATA "&#8211;"  -- en dash, U2013 ISOpub -->
<!ENTITY mdash   CDATA "&#8212;"  -- em dash, U2014 ISOpub -->
<!ENTITY lsquo   CDATA "&#8216;"  -- left single quotation mark, U2018 ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY rsquo   CDATA "&#8217;"  -- right single quotation mark, U2019 ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY sbquo   CDATA "&#8218;"  -- single low-9 quotation mark, U201A NEW -->
<!ENTITY ldquo   CDATA "&#8220;"  -- left double quotation mark, U201C ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY rdquo   CDATA "&#8221;"  -- right double quotation mark, U201D ISOnum -->
<!ENTITY bdquo   CDATA "&#8222;"  -- double low-9 quotation mark, U201E NEW -->
<!ENTITY dagger  CDATA "&#8224;"  -- dagger, U2020 ISOpub -->
<!ENTITY Dagger  CDATA "&#8225;"  -- double dagger, U2021 ISOpub -->
<!ENTITY permil  CDATA "&#8240;"  -- per mille sign, U2030 ISOtech -->
<!ENTITY lsaquo  CDATA "&#8249;"  -- single left-pointing angle quotation mark, U2039 ISO proposed -->
<!-- lsaquo is proposed but not yet ISO standardised -->
<!ENTITY rsaquo  CDATA "&#8250;"  -- single right-pointing angle quotation mark, U203A ISO proposed -->
<!-- rsaquo is proposed but not yet ISO standardised -->

Created: 20 September 1996
Last changed $Date: 1997/04/04 15:12:17 $