Event Title |
1 Hour Cards
Aim |
To commit to memory and recall as many separate
packs (decks) of 52 playing cards as possible. |
Time to Memorise |
60 minutes |
Time to Recall |
75 minutes (there is a 15 minute break between
memorising and recall to allow for the collection of the packs of cards) |
Question Paper |
A number (specified by the contestant), of separate and individual shuffled
packs (decks) of 52 playing cards.
Contestants submit the number of completely memorised packs and indicate
if the last pack has only been partially committed to memory.
Contestants must make it clear to the adjudicators the number (order) of
each pack of cards when they are handed in after being committed to memory.
Answer Paper |
Contestants must write down the order of each pack of cards so that the
value (eg A,2,3┘.J.K,Q) and suite (╖Е╘╙ /C,D,H,S)
is clear for each card in each pack.
Contestants must make it clear on their answer sheets, to which pack the
list of cards is referring.
Scoring |
52 points are awarded for every pack (deck) correctly recalled.
26 points are awarded if there is a single mistake in a pack.
0 points are awarded if there are two or more mistakes.
If the last pack is incomplete (eg only the first 38 cards were memorised)
but all of the cards recalled are correct, then the points awarded will
equal the number of cards recalled (38 in this example).
If the last pack is incomplete and there is one mistake then then the points
awarded will equal half the number of cards recalled. (For an odd number
of cards the fraction is rounded up eg for 19 cards and one mistake, the
score would be 19/2 rounded up equals 10).
Two or more mistakes in the last pack scores 0.
The winner of the event is the contestant with the highest number of points.
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