


память, диалектика 

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 Rambler's Top100


     Just as programmer compiles programs from mosaic of commands,
     just as typesetter chooses letter from set of boxes, so painter
     draws pictures with choosing and composing it from his mosaic
     of knowledge and skills.

There is a class of abstract portraits, without concrete anatomic
features. A lot of painters used to the similar style of drawing.
Let's try to make process engineering for such figures.

Step one:

Please, collect the library of mental images. It may be an association
of a subject with an emotion or with an abstract concept.

a hand with a bouquet - tryst
a hand with an ax - hangman 
a hand with a sword - musketeer (a pirate)

a hand with a ladle - a cook 
a guitar - musician
a medicine chest - a doctor
goose-quill - a poet
laurel wreath - genius
a crozier  -  wanderer
rudder - driver
crucifix - ┘(?)
column of coins - ┘(?)
spectacles - ┘(?)
black-colored glasses - ┘(?)
seal-ring - ┘(?)
bolt - ┘(?)
spanner - ┘(?)
gun - ┘(?)
┘ (?) - programmer.

Let's give rein to one's imagination. Go for fantasy. Please try to collect
as more association as possible. The quantity of images is your purpose.
Here is my advice to make a note of successful association. It's necessary
for a moment when you want to return to task after viewing the record and
to fall into mode of generation of new images.

Step two

You can train your hand for drawing of lines, flourishes and monograms.
Please, try to get result when your hand draws lines without your control.

Step three

You can try to depict your images (which you collected before) in extremely
simple form (a phone, a knife, a lamp, a goose-quill, a flower, a gun,
a spectacles┘). Keep in your mind the absolute similarity is wrong.
You aren't artist, you don't need a competition that's why you choose
another way - the way of hints and simplification.

For example,
flowers - it's  a few petals,
an ax - it's a couple of typical details,
a broom - this is three lines.

Step four (compilation of images)

Just draw a couple of images and link them by lines.
For example, a little mug and a broom,
a little mug and a handbag.
A little mug and a withered bouquet.

Don't strive for exactness, it's harmful. A hint is important, please
try to make grotesque. A body may be shapeless and a face is wry.
You can remember there isn't any real features in Picasso's drawings.
The less lines and the less words (correct words) the more meaningful
an image. So looking-man makes conjectures.


Если Вы, уважаемый читатель, можете помочь отредактировать текст, высказать замечания, то я буду очень Вам благодарна.

  SvetLana mailto:sveta@avista.ru  
