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Draw, draw, draw and draw!

I affirm, everybody is pointer! After this lesson you'll be able to draw funny mugs. Just now open editor and go for it, copy the figure below.

If you haven't access to Internet, look instructions surther(below):

1. At first draw a bliny, which take up position on eyes of future little man. Take it ones more for his nose and next for his mouth. Now you see something like Olimpic simbolism.

2. Just the time to draw the features of a little man. Paint the eyebrows over eyes, the nose, mouth after that circle the head.

A secret consists in difficulties of pointer to draw the same eyes on one line. This technology can help to take it easy for you.
Go for it, to draw a profile of little man. Use the techonology above.

It's usually for me to draw something between compilations of program or during a making account, everytime when I have some free seconds for a few casual lines. Sometimes it makes very interesting pictures.

I interested in ambiguous picture, their sense depends from visual angle. Please, write me, who can draw pictures by "one line" like Martis. I would compare our technology.

Если Вы, уважаемый читатель, можете помочь отредактировать текст, высказать замечания, то мы со Светланой будем очень Вам благодарны.

SvetLana mailto:sveta@avista.ru


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