Библиотека Программиста
Раздел HTTP

  1. Simple Hit-Metering for HTTP Preliminary Draft - 21/01/97
  2. Use and interpretation of HTTP version numbers - 22/01/97
  3. Forcing HTTP/1.1 proxies to revalidate responses - 06/01/97
  4. HTTP-based Distributed Content Editing Scenarios - 13/12/96
  5. Digital Signature Label Architecture - 10/01/97
  6. SCP - Session Control Protocol V 1.1
  7. RFC 2069 - An Extension to HTTP : Digest Access Authentication - 01/97
  8. RFC 2616 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 - 09/2000
  9. Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.0 - HTMLed RFC 1945
  10. HTTP-NextGeneration: Simple MUX Protocol Specification - 23/10/96
  11. Hypertext Transfer Protocol 1.1.07 - 12/08/96
  12. Hypertext Transfer Protocol 1.0.05 - 19/02/96
  13. RFC 2109 - HTTP State Management Mechanism - 02/97
  14. HTTP State Management Mechanism (Errata) - 03/02/97
  15. HTTP State Management Mechanism - 22/11/96
  16. PEP: an Extension Mechanism for HTTP - 21/03/97
  17. Notification for Proxy Caches - 21/02/96
  18. Extended Log File Format - 21/02/96
  19. Session Identification URI - 21/02/96
  20. The ILU Requestor for HTTP servers - 07/03/96
  21. Resource Description Messages (RDM) - 24/07/96
  22. HTTP-based SNMP and CMIP Network Management - 19/11/96
  23. Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP - 21/11/96
  24. The Safe Response Header - 24/10/96
  25. An Extension to HTTP : Digest Access Authentication - 10/09/96
  26. Feature Tag Registration Procedures - 30/10/96
  27. Simple Hit-Metering for HTTP Preliminary Draft - 25/10/96
  28. User-Agent Display Attributes - 26/11/96
  29. Version management with meta-level links via HTTP/1.1 - 06/11/96
  30. Remote Passphrase Authentication. Part Three: HTTP Authentication Scheme - 15/11/96
  31. Efficient HyperLink Maintenance for HTTP - 21/11/96
  32. Requirements for Distributed Editing - 09/96

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